Hi there everyone. I'm katanamaru and I focus on animations at the moment. Real name is Gray and I'm in Texas. About to graduate with a BoS in a couple of weeks and then it's off to the job market. I've done martial arts in the past as well as firing guns so I use that knowledge to make my animations look more realistic. I'm a team member for OJP/JKE as one of their animators and like to contribute work to JA projects. My goal is to try and help as many mods as I can to keep intrest in JA, and to improve my animations. I can make stances no problem and can even add breathing, edit the existing animations like runs, walks, and force powers and I can create new animation from scratch like the MotS double swing or gun firing animaitons.
I'll help out as much as I can with how to setup Dragon and how to use it if anybody has questions.