Tales of the Sith Lords
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Short and sweet.
Here is the link for the backhand styles to overwrite the dual and staff animations:
Please test it out and see if it works for ya'll in MP and SP. It works for me in SP, but MP doesn't run on my laptop so I can't test it. Please test it with a CLEAN base folder.
Let me know if it works or not.
Views: 2571 | Added by: katanamaru | Date: 2011-02-22 | Comments (0)

The first beta of the two backhand styles is now available on jk3files.com
Besure to test it out and give any C&C over things you'd like to see, like or dislike about it.
Views: 1704 | Added by: katanamaru | Date: 2010-10-21 | Comments (1)

The beta of the Starkiller single and dual backhand styles has been submitted to jk3files.com
Link will be posted when it is up.
Views: 2088 | Added by: katanamaru | Date: 2010-10-13 | Comments (0)

Made by me (Bliznez), so that you can have an idea of what to expect from a mod.
(Mainly for devs, as requested by kal01- i didnt add any textures, cause i dont know what jedi / sith might use them)
Views: 2346 | Added by: bliznez | Date: 2010-02-16 | Comments (1)

guess what it's me dvg94 hhaa never thought i was allowed to reveil some information as a news anyway


I and the team have been working on the idea of a lego star wars kinda menu

and i've tried many things and got the system finally to work.

the Whole bunch of free play, story line etc. is included



some things aren't done yet but look at the free play option any player you customize will be there immediatly ;)


best regards

Views: 1431 | Added by: dvg94 | Date: 2009-09-29 | Comments (0)

Ok so here is a new attack animation from katanamaru, it presents the secret apprentice with his new stances, force power aniamtions and attacks. If you look closly you will realise he is breathing which i find is an amazing option.

so here is the vid, this will be included in the demo for the secret apprentice

Views: 1470 | Added by: kal01 | Date: 2009-09-18 | Comments (1)

I had free time, so i thought i'll make a little clip about SOME (!!!!!) of the features of the coming up Total Convertion for JKA, TOTSL.   

Some of these will be in demo- and some of the ones not shown in this video as well, so Don't get upset if u didnt like it! ;)  

Anyway, here we go, hope you enjoy!    ))))))))  


Views: 1811 | Added by: bliznez | Date: 2009-08-28 | Comments (6)

Katanamaru and Bliznez have been working on the animations and the team has worked hard on the mod. This is why I wanted to present to you The Secret Apprentice in our mod through a video therefore you will see his new animations, his new powers, and new interactive maps. In the video he will also fight against Lord Vader and Sidious. Therefore this video will be demo footage, but from the SA point of view.

So stay tunned and check out soon for any updates ;)
Views: 1758 | Added by: kal01 | Date: 2009-06-29 | Comments (4)

We have worked hard the past months to try and make as many new maps new animations new effects new menus new huds, etc. Now I'm officially announcing that the demo will come out soon. For me soon might be in two months or so. But We will do our best to keep you updated and try to release it this summer if we can. We really enjoy your comments and this is why we try to make things as different as possible in our mod.

The demo mission Now haha

Well we have voted for the character and we have decided that the playable character for the mission will be Darth Vader. And finally the mission for the character will Be DRUM ROLLS !!!

Death star TFU.

Katanamaru has worked on the animation for the secret apprentice his powers his stance and all it will be great especially with the hex editor which gives us the opportunity to make different sets of animation for the characters we want so not ever body will share the same animations. The map will be huge and there will be different cinematic. We will leave you the choice between light or dark. Though since you play as Vader it wont be the same thing as in TFU.

So visit the page to see updates like videos game play screen shots etc. hope you guys will enjoy

Regards The Unkown region Team.

... Read more »

Views: 1828 | Added by: kal01 | Date: 2009-06-15 | Comments (4)

Here is a video of the maps, I wanted to try this out. unfortunately I cant get rid of the free trial thing under the vid. Sucks for that but il try later to find a way. In the meantime enjoy the vid and comment.

Views: 1296 | Added by: kal01 | Date: 2009-05-10 | Comments (4)

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