Actually i too didnt know lol Its cool but i cant find dark metal textures like in TFU, maybe il modify one i saw. and for the observation room, i finally changed it completly. Its now bigger, a good form and a Half cylendrical roof like a dome and like in TFU I need to make almost all the new textures unless i can find a texturer for maps. TOTSL Project Leader Read the rules and respect others!
just may the force be with you always and you will get good textures ... wtf what was that for bull shit i just realize that i could help with textures Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway
great but the map you see now is completly modified, from a to z rooms are beiiger more details and extremly more accurate then before. I could still use help with the texures though, and it seems that i cant find a glass texture each one i try is meessed up its black. I would like to know if you could send me one that works. TOTSL Project Leader Read the rules and respect others!