well actually i can see us doing those maps. im trying to work on a dotf too.
but i can show you my list. Though i cant show you dvg94s list since i dont know where hes at now. Death star Tower......................................(100%)
Tie fighter facility.......................................(90%)
Death star observation deck.......................(85%)
Geonosis Hanger.......................................(83%)
Raxus Prime Duel (proxy vs Apprentice)......(80%)
Duel Malachor V........................................(70%)
Palpatine office..........................................(60%)
Korriban Battlefield.....................................(40%)
Boc Observation Dec..................................(87%)
Battlefield Malachor V.................................(0%)
Nal Hutta Duel............................................(0%)
Rii-Megas (Unkown regions)........................(0%)
Death star hanger......................................(0%)
but dont worry if we need to ask for some maps we will, but i prefer making something original.